At Protest Pictures, we’re driven by a foundational belief: the stories that electrify us are the ones we have to tell.

From the intricate dance of a married couple facing a point-of-no-return confrontation with a neighbor, to the heart-pounding thrill of a worldwide competition, to the deeply personal journey of racing's first family as they navigate an uncharted future, our creativity serves as our loudspeaker — it amplifies what we're passionate about sharing with the world, illuminating our highest hopes, deepest fears, and lessons learned.

Our mandate is to create content that breaks the mold and celebrates diversity across all formats. With our roots deep in values like integrity, excellence, and inclusivity, we're broadcasting from here in Los Angeles to move people all around the world. We craft narratives that not only hold a mirror up to ourselves, but also dare to innovate, with the power to start conversations and unite people in making a real and profound impact.

At the heart of our ethos is the crucial balance between artistic excellence and ethical business practices. We endeavor to challenge and disrupt the status quo, lead with purpose, and nurture a creative space where every story can be told and heard.

Join us as we dare to make waves and inspire change. Let's unite our voices, championing stories and storytellers that touch hearts and open minds, here and everywhere.


Inny Clemons
CEO & Executive Producer

Michael Hammond
President & Executive Producer

Erich Hover

Charlotte Spencer
Executive Assistant